10:00 - 20:00

Dental Bridge

Dental Bridge

Dental Bridge

A dental bridge is a connection of a crown and a fake tooth. A fake tooth will be created to replace a missing tooth by putting it between two healthy teeth while the two healthy neighboring teeth will be covered or capped with high quality porcelain crowns. A fake tooth and those porcelain crowns will be connected to each other.

The bridge will help you to prevent the shifting of the teeth, and also the gum disease may be decreased at the same time. Moreover, it will retain your good bite and natural speech.

There are 2 main types of dental bridge

  1. Fixed bridge, the most popular containing a filler tooth attached to two crowns fit over the remaining teeth.
  2. The cantilever bridge which is usually used when there are teeth only on one side of the span of the space. A typical three-unit cantilever bridge containing